It’s Monday!

Now I normally greet a Monday morning with as much enthusiasm as a trip to the dentist. This week however, is going to be a great week!

For me it’s only a 3 day working week. Then, on Thursday, not only am I having my third training day at Chester Zoo for my role as Visitor Engagement Volunteer (work allow me 1 day each year to volunteer in the community) but it’s also my 21st (ahem) birthday ๐ŸŽ‰ 

As if that isn’t exciting enough, Friday we’re heading off for a weekend in Llandudno as a birthday treat – I am sooooo excited ๐Ÿ˜œ hmm who’s telling Sonny that he’s not invited….

Oh yes, there is the shall matter of an MRI scan in the middle of all this but it’s just routine as part of my pulsatile tinnitus diagnosis… ๐Ÿ™ˆ

Low syn garlic breadย 

One thing I miss with a pasta meal is the garlic bread (and apparently, according to Mr F, much to his amusement, I say garlic bread like Peter Kay! Garlic…. Bread ๐Ÿ™ˆ)

Shop bought garlic bread (you’re saying it the same way now aren’t you? Go on, admit it) is so high in syns so I like to make my own. It’s very low syn but really is a good substitute and I feel as if I’ve had something really, really naughty.

All you need is 1 tsp of low fat spread (my preferred choice is flora light spread – 0.5 syn per tsp), a wholemeal roll (healthy extra b) and garlic powder and dried parsley.

Spread the flora over the each half of the roll, sprinkle with garlic powder and parsley then bake in the oven for 10 mins @ 200*

Perfect garlic bread every time for only 0.5 – 1 syns depending on how much spread you use.

Dinner prep

Regular followers will know by now that I like to prep my as much as I can in advance so that come dinner time, I have as little to do as possible, allowing more time to sit and drink wine on a weekend ๐Ÿฅ‚๐Ÿท.

Today is no exception.

A slight tweak to the ingredients in the recipe (see earlier post for recipe) because I’m working with what’s in my veg rack – red pepper, red onion & courgette.

I’ve also added a bit of garlic and chopped chilli when cooking the chicken for a bit of added kick ๐ŸŒถ๐ŸŒถ

The smells that come from the pan when preparing this dish are soooo tempting! 

So now that’s the chichen and veg stage of the recipe done. I will reheat it later when the pasta is cooking. 

Crunch slaw…

Sunday is usually pasta night in the Elfy Eating house and tonight is no exception.

A great syn free, speedy side to have with a pasta dish is coleslaw.

It’s also handy to make if you’re feeling peckish, you can pick as much as you like as it’s all speed!

For today’s batch of coleslaw I’ve grated a carrot and finely sliced a red onion, 1 large spring onion and 2 sticks of celery (it was in the fridge and need using so why not?) and mixed with a sprinkle of sweetener plus salt & pepper to taste.

Add a good dollup of natural fat free fromage frais/yoghurt and mix well. Store in the fridge until ready and stir before serving ๐Ÿ˜˜

Sainsbury’s stock up

I think I must be slightly odd (oi! whaddya mean only “slightly ๐Ÿ˜ณ) in the fact that I LOVE doing the weekly shop. To me, it’s a great opportunity to stock up (and clean) the cupboards and fridge. Normally by Sunday morning, all that’s left rattling round in the fridge is some brown lettuce, squishy cucumber and Saturday nights leftovers ๐Ÿ™ˆ

But by 11am on a Sunday, ta daaaa!Yes, there are synful things in there too because you know what? It’s allowed. The plan seriously won’t work as good if you don’t utilize your syns (and boy do I use mine ๐Ÿ˜‚)

Today’s special items areContinuing with the 80s vibe I couldn’t resist picking up a bit of cress to compliment my egg yogo (mayo, yogo, get it?)I enjoyed the Muller light Greek yoghurt so much I had to get some more in. I will try and eat these a bit more beatylike and less like the beast, but I’m not promising, it really is that good ๐Ÿ™ˆCasaerecce is my fav pasta and this one is on offer in Sainsbury’s at ยฃ1 a pack. Don’t rush to the Caldy Valley store today though, I got the last 2 packs…